
VS6.0으로 어셈 컴파일방법

작코 2008. 11. 17. 01:59

1. NASM 다운로드 페이지에서 NASM과 문서를 다운받는다. (cygwin과 linux용 바이너리 파일도 있지만 Visual C++에서 사용할 거니까 윈도우즈용 바이너리 파일을 받는다.)

2. 임시로 다운받은 파일의 압축을 푼다. 여기에는 nasmw.exe와 ndisasmw.exe가 들어있다.

3. 이 두개의 파일을 윈도우 시스템 디렉토리에 복사한다. (C:\WINDOWS\system32)

4. 이제 Visual C++을 실행하고 "Win32 Console Application" 프로젝트를 만든다. (메뉴의 File-New를 누른다음 Projects 탭에서 "Win32 Console Application"을 선택하고 오른쪽에 프로젝트 이름을 입력한 다음 OK누른다.)

5. first.asm,, asm_io.obj, driver.c 파일을 새로만든 프로젝트에 추가한다. (이 파일은 Paul Carter씨가 만든 예제의 일부로서 홈페이지에는 다른 어셈블리 예제도 있다.) (프로젝트에 파일 추가: Workspace창의 FileView 탭을 누른 후 프로젝트 항목에 우클릭으로 팝업메뉴를 띄운 다음 "Add Files to Project..."로 추가한다.)

6. 방금전 창에서 first.asm파일에 우클릭으로 "settings..."를 선택한 다음 "Custom Build" 탭의 "Commands"에 nasmw -f win32 -l first.lst first.asm을 입력하고 "Outputs"에는 first.obj를 입력한다.

7. 디버깅을 하던 컴파일을 하던 마음대로 한다. 


Using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0


This document explains how to configure Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 for editing, debugging, and running assembly language programs.

Some important guidelines to follow before continuing with the instructions on this page:

  • We will assume that you have installed the assembler in the C:\Masm615 directory.
  • The 16-bit linker supplied with MASM does not permit filenames longer than eight characters, excluding the extension. The same goes for the directory name holding the program.
  • Make sure your source filenames have .ASM extensions and they are no longer than eight characters (not counting the extension).

The following is a simplified listing, minus all the remark (REM) lines of make16.bat:

PATH C:\Masm615
SET LIB=C:\Masm615\LIB

ML /nologo -c -Fl -Zi %1.asm
if errorlevel 1 goto terminate

LINK /nologo /CODEVIEW %1,,NUL,Irvine16;
if errorlevel 1 goto terminate

DIR %1.*

Build 16-bit MASM

Run the Visual C++ 6.0 integrated development environment. First, we will create the Tools command to assemble and link your MASM programs:

Select Customize from the Tools menu and click on the Tools tab.

Scroll to the bottom of the Menu Contents text area and double click inside the dotted rectangle. Type the following name and press Enter:

Build 16-bit MASM

Enter the following information in each edit box. The Arguments entry is case-sensitive, including the variables such as $(FileName) and $(FileDir). Note the spacing very carefully! Within the Arguments line, leave at least one space after /C, and a space before $(FileName):

If you're using Windows 98 or Windows Millenium, click here.


Debug 16-Bit MASM

Add the following new command to the tools menu:

Debug 16-bit MASM

Enter the following values:



Build 32-bit MASM

Add the following new command to the tools menu:

Build 32-bit MASM

The Arguments entry is case-sensitive, including the variables such as $(FileName) and $(FileDir). This following screen snapshot is only for Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Enter the following information in each edit box:

If you're using Windows 98 or Windows Millenium, click here.

Note the spacing very carefully! Within the Arguments line, leave at least one space after /C, and a space before $(FileName).


Add the following new command to the tools menu:

Debug 32-bit MASM

Enter the following values:


Notice the browse (...) button to the right of the Command entry--use this button to navigate to the location of msdev.exe on your computer.


Add the following new command to the tools menu:



(If you are using Windows 95/98/ME, insert for the Command entry rather than CMD.EXE.)

Close the Customize window.

Test your configuration

Now either create a new ASM program and save it with an ASM extension, or open an existing ASM file. If you need help on this step, click here.

Select Build 16-bit MASM from the Tools menu. You should see messages from the Microsoft Assembler appear in the output window. If you've made any errors, fix them and assemble the program again until it's right.

Once the program builds correctly, you can run the program. Select RUN MASM from the Tools menu.

Next, select Debug 16-bit MASM from the Tools menu. Microsoft CodeView will run, and after a few seconds, your source program will appear. (Refer to Appendix C of the Irvine book for help in using CodeView, and look at the CodeView Debugger Help page on this Web site.)

You have finished customizing the Visual C++ Editor.



Build 16-bit MASM (Windows 98 or Millenium)

Windows 98 and Windows Millenium use as their command-line processor. The following screen snapshot shows the command and parameters you should use:

Note that an extra argument (/E) was used here to increase your MS-DOS environment size. This reduces the likelihood of an "Out of Environment Space" error message when you run the make16.bat file.

Continue to the Debug16 Step







Build 32-bit MASM (Windows 98 or Millenium)

Windows 98 and Windows Millenium use as their command-line processor. The following screen snapshot shows the command and parameters you should use:

Note that an extra argument (/E) was used here to increase your MS-DOS environment size. This reduces the likelihood of an "Out of Environment Space" error message when you run the make32.bat file.

Continue to the Debug32 Step